Thursday, March 24

818 revised relived retired

summer's shining down again- busy as can be in spring
nectar lust after-me-for-real-something-I can-feel
an no, I don't want to feel or look or just see what happens
every year we think we might still someday be friends
we know for real its more like NEVER
funk for the punk: I pee on your thoughts
or any ideas that you thought you might someday take me back
the artificial super-corrupt creep motors and crosses over all the
jumps he made running around my heart like it was a dirt track

didn't get it when it could have been
don't want tasteless meanings and lies

to furnish a piece of me to give you manipulate...
corrosive, disease and destructive your danger
nothing is this calm even if I died after divorcing you
after a trip to the cleaners drowned
from swallowing all your pride and self worth

...such a shame you found a price
to put on that
I'll say when I'm dead at my wake
you will be there dressed in yellow

saying how really found of her you actually were.
I bet you could even fake it, a nil drip of your heart's grimly oil
will slip into my lovely ashes and dust to dust
even in death I would wager I will still be just blessed enough
so I too will be buried with your grimy heart stain
tainting my whimsical fancy with your pungent grief''''

like a dragon in a knife fight with out his fire
I have worry that you'll drowned me in your mode

and keep me horribly alive in your dungeon
where is this knight in shining armor

with a heart big enough for three daughters?

Friday, March 18

818 ways to sacrafice a lamb....(intro)

i can feel your eyes on my back and your turning into thoughts that i wont give out
so just read this and know my thoughts are my own and even when i said i liked your "whatever-it-was-at-the-time....theres a page for every lie i never told, but none of them are numbered
i'm thinking you can read my words never could read my mind think you know me but come'on now
this isnt an impression, this is my passion, my souls work, this is where i create
your under a limited invitation to vouyer if you like
just dont get the wrong idea about who it is for that i write

you pompus know better then that

Wednesday, March 16

silence incriminates imposters

I'm gonna close my eyes and listen to my fears
take a deep breath and feel all their noise
recite all i trust all i believe

all i know to be real
I relax my body, quiet my mind

and let my breath go
when all is still within me,

and only my heart beats
my focus is clear

and all of me is connected .....
I want to grit my teeth and smile and mean it
overindulge in fanciful thinking
and wish I was a little more practical
linger on lust and never step too late into responsibility
worship my own endeavors
and congratulate my neighbors
look into the sweet soul of desire
and never burn least a finger
look into the eyes of cruelty
and not look down from my humility
jest with wiser worldly women
and not coil back in jealousy or insecure nor bitter
offer my inner strength my love and devotion
and not expect a return or demand nary a favor

Monday, March 14

yes, here I am. you can let your breath out now

ooh. i love to talk and im always talking about me
oooooo so very sexy vixen that i am i love to love
and theres no better lover than my own sassy mind
but it takes more then that to get me off without a p*$$! to taste
so i touch me and breathe in and feel all my muscles contract in elation
ladies listen when your bi curious girlfriend tells you theres no better lover
than the delicate touch of a ladies hand
i made love to myself today. i'm feeling good in my own skin
i love how i feel and i feel on top of my slinky game
slinking down my own path strutting my intelect
filling out the curves of a sexysiren
i'm ready for your best...i want to try it all on
sorry boys, if you cant hang but dont get caught up in pretenses
all i want is what i got and i like to call the shots so
simply dont get all tied up in titles and lables and curious anger
you didnt get to feel me up cause i dont want to buy your lousy lovers lot
as good as you push your cock you never touch my clit
so whats left if you dont know how to handle an a cup?
this day is for my ladies.... oh lucious lovers of the past
and the tight little target in my sights (yes, your girlfriend too)
come over for a fuck me until we get sleepy party
i want to touch wet slippery succulent prettiness like i never had a first time

and to be fair my girl,your not here so i touch my skin
my lips mouth your name and oh my god it is good to be in my own game
i promise your secrets safe i'll never tell what kind of face you make
just promise to come over me throw your weight on my chin
and dont hold back when you cry out your satisfaction

Thursday, March 3

Damage isn't sexy

Do you need me to remind you that your mind is the only damage that no one else can do? That- all you bleed, all your blamed for; all you grieve and cry for; all you incur and all your left to decipher; for all that you suffer there is no greater martyr?
But that is the name of every-dead-little-girl-never-figured-out-what-or-how-to-JUST-DO-SOMETHING
Who do you think you need to rescue you? How do you think you still need to get a good lady's name?
how do you figure your not the queens preciousness the duchess the highness the princess the goddess.........
This the divine institute of untellable divinity
pious in faith and ineffable devotion the life of serenity
if be it in a pixie servants mask, that
is what makes your road so harrowing and unyielding as narrow can be, it will be-that it must
[for you to be so lonely]you must first traveled true, and that is to be alone.
To belong in this life unto you, suffrage in your self, centered in your heart
duty and honor and integrity be not long overdue if you look at the path of all your most intimate resistance

As I look I find narrow valleys in my sights
I can retrace every footstep ever tread ever trampled and i can see transgressions in my soul
and i can see i am holy in my soul i am strong so i am surrender in honor to my self worth
i look back one last glance my pixie life
a trail of sorrow there are hearts i've opened and torn in naive desire
my own, piecemealed and neglected abandoned in pride and shame
and there is shallow vanity there i gave away in purity in selflessness and
devastated..Hijacked..Surrendered and broken long ago .There. In my own memories
i am baptized by my own experience=knowledge offered and taken and i have served purpose for my own insight enlightened by who i am
so i must exist for far more than love and immaculate than this life has lived
than this face that looks back from the mirror where i stand

Wednesday, March 2


in due time all will become of knowledge and pride albeit from grief and pride